Friday, October 7, 2011

Time for Internship

I leave tomorrow to set out for Richmond VA to work with Double Image Studio. Tons of emotions such as excitement, nervous, egar, and I kinda dont want to go and leave my friends and lover for 8 weeks but this is what i have been waiting for, for years now a chance to wrk doing wat i love!!! PHOTOGRAPHY

Capturing the moment of summer

Summer is gone and i think this image gives the summer feeling justic as we move into cooler weather im goin to miss the hot days and warm nights.

First attempt

This is my first attempt at shooting make up. not my best work I must say but by shooting this I did learn alot about shooting product. and like my instructor says I shouldnt shy away from shooting directly into a light box. and next time i attepmt this im goin to composite the image so hat way i do not get the glare

Monday, October 3, 2011


this is my ad for Dolce and Gabbana sunglasses. Eneah Smith was a wonderful model and I got lots of great shots

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Mark wagner project

Mark Wagner gave us an assignment to tell about what has made us the person we are today, or the people who inspire us. I was goin to shw the struggle I have been going through with my help and show my surgern Dr. Stephen Mcnatt, and specalist Dr. Ivor Hill because without them I would have never made it ove my first mile stone. I shot that project on Thursday... then that friday I had to have a somethings removed from my cervix..... it was supose to be a quick noninvasive procedure. On my way home I noticed I had bleed through my pad and my pants.... when i got home the bleeding didnt stop or slowed down it got worst and worst. And Im such a strong wiled and stubborn person I didnt tell anyone or ask for help. Because of that I almost bleed to death.... i would of lost my life friday if my brother would not of found me. So for my project i wanted to show the struggle I am goin through tring to be indepent and be strong when sometimes I just need to give up that control and let people help me because not asking for help can kill me. even though I have the heart and strenght of a lion on the inside my body is a fragile lamb who needs help. And yes these are self portraits.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Final campain image for bulimia awearness

Alot of young girls struggle with weight issues and I really wanted to shine a light on it.

"This is not for children"

This is an ad for Dessert Treats by Jessica Simpson. It is edible body foam/lotion that comes with fun colorful sprinkles. Its for when you want to be tasty for your other half... haha... I wanted it to have a clean fun look to it because romance should be fun and this product can make couple time fun. She also has other products. If I had to do something different about this shot i wouldnt show the product in the front because I kept having issues with my foam loseing its shape.

Re-creat an adversitment

I re-created a Crest 3d white products. The idea behind the product is that crest 3d whiting products can removed and prevent stains from red wine.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Sneak preview

For one of my self promos im doin a service announcement about bulimia. I really wanted to show the ugly side of the disorder and i wanted it to have a dark feeling.

Monday, September 12, 2011


I love shooting panos

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Product shot im working on

Talked to my instructor about product shots and this is one Ive been working on thinking about making it into a composite image. I just dont now yet. i dont think its quite there yet, but my pen tool skills are getting sharpe!!! so anything is possible

Sunday, September 4, 2011

client assignment 3 self portrait

i kno alot of people wanted to do a self portrait that looks serious, and to me that really doesnt say anything about their personality. So I go creative and I wanted to show my personality and I wanted flare. I think my self portrait shows me... its fun!

Here is one of my shots and the set up.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


we were given a class assignment to show an ad for a pringles ad. this was Justins idea and I shot it... We were told it was role play as art director and photographer because when we go get jobs we will have to make others ideas happen.

Wheels of motion

This was shot for our 2nd client assignment "wheels in motion". and it was to be made for a website. i choose to show mothion with oranges through composite and cloning 3 oranges.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Jewerly ad

For one of my first self promos I wanted to do a jewrely ad. shot in studio with an 18- 55mm lens

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


here are a few of my herb shots i havent decided which one to chose yet.

pops assignment

i didnt really understand this project or what i was doing but it turned out right

old salem

shot with large format camera

lab assignments

what i learned today... pen tool.. my new love


shot, produced and edited by me... please enjoy

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

self portrait

shot for our resumes
I set up the lighting how I wanted and I had a certain look in mind. I hope yall enjoy

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

writting with light

I had soo much fun with this project. Thank you my wonderful model Matthew Johnson

doughnuts all around!!!

this is an old photo I shot my first year of photography school. My good friend Ej let me borrow his nice 50D

Baseball motor drive

I really do not like baseball. but I did really like how my motor drive shot turned out

Wednesday, July 13, 2011